ISO certification


ISO 27001 Certification

Data security has always been, and will always be, a priority at both Ramboll and Xact by Ramboll.

The purpose of ISO 27001 is to ensure that financial information, intellectual property, employee details, and data submitted by clients and other third parties are secure and protected.

Therefore, ISO certification is a matter of course in our ongoing effort to secure our customers and their data.


What Does this Mean for You?

  • We adhere to the highest standard of IT-security
  • Our certification supports our goal of creating trust and credibility
  • Through ISO 27001, we have implemented strong risk management processes
  • It is also formal proof of our commitment to continuous quality control and improvement
  • Our emphasis on resilience and IT security bolsters your own data security
  • Improved business continuity

Would You like to Hear More?

You're always welcome to contact our CTO and IT-Director, Svend Rostgaard Thielsen, if you want to learn more about how we secure our customers' (and their clients' and users') data.


Svend Rostgaard Thielsen


+45 51 61 34 40