We give you knowledge to transform

Ask the right questions. Make the right decisions.


Surveys that inspire action

Boost your business with data that makes a difference.

Employee in a café.

Ask the right questions, achieve the right goals

Decisions that shape the future of your business.

Computer with graphs from the PeopleXact system.

A shortcut from insight to transformation

Xact by Rambøll is your one-stop-shop platform for answering your questions, gaining insight into target groups, and delivering the right knowledge at the right time to and about citizens, users, colleagues, and other stakeholders.

As part of Rambøll we also give you access to world-leading experts and advisors to help to translate your insights into concrete, sustainable changes.


For over two decades we have developed the best knowledge-gathering system on the market.

Today Xact by Rambøll is the engine under the hood of a wide variety of solutions that help our customers meet their needs and achieve continuously better results.


A market-leading platform for customer satisfaction surveys, 360-degree executive surveys, market analysis, NPS, quizzes, e-learning and much more.

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A user-friendly HR-platform that enables you to measure, analyze, and proactively develop well-being and engagement in the workplace.

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A platform to stir discourse and motivate involvement that incorporates and engages the knowledge of the people who are closest to your projects and your organization.

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Xact by Rambøll is your engine under the hood of HR-surveys, citizen involvement processes in municipalities as well as processes of transformation in a host of companies and organizations throughout Germany and Scandinavia.


minutes, on average, elapse between the completion of one questionnaire survey and the start of the next in Xact by Rambøll.


different questionnaires have been created using Xact by Rambøll


companies worldwide uses Xact by Rambøll

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Latest inspiration

Christmas is Just Around the Corner — Xactly, Our AI-Elf is Ready to Help

Let our AI handle the grunt work of creating the first draft of your new survey. Then you have time to focus on the more important stuff — such as eggnog.

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How to Create Reports that Lead to Results

How to Create Reports that Lead to Results

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Employee Engagement Surveys: Timing is Everything

Conduct employee surveys? Yes, of course! 

Did you also answer yes to this question? Then you're in good company, because 90% of companies give exactly the same answer—and have done so for around 40 years! (Frieg & Hossiep, 2018)

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Even the world's most advanced software isn't worth half as much as a day-old egg sandwich if the user experience is awkward and unintuitive.

Fortunately, we are quite proud of our user-friendly interface, and our specialized consultants are eager to show you how to easily gain insight for transformation and grow closer to your stakeholders.

Fill out the form on the right, and we’ll tailor a personal demonstration for just you.
