Best practice Blogs (title)

A short text about the article:
If possible, it is desirable that the text is short and precise and can be kept to one - three lines.

Introductory heading

This is the introductory text to the deeper content that will subsequently appear in the blog.

Below is an example of how a flow in an article is designed in relation to the set of rules that have been decided for design and content to function optimally.

Please only use the modules/tools under "Theme".

Use alternating visual design throughout the flow of the page using the available modules' options for left and right alignment of text and images.

Please be aware that colored boxes (sections) must not adjoin each other - too many elements in two text sections with the same background color will appear messy.

(You may choose to make a copy of this page to have a guideline for creating your own article).

This is the "Text" module. Please always use the "Heading" input box for headers.

Placing too many H2 tags can dilute their impact and confuse search engines, but the header above this bodytext is a H2 modified with Style H3 to keep the font smaller.

It is recommended to change headings to the color "Mountain" in general.
Do it through the "Header" box input > color

You can change the background color of the entire paragraph through the "Typography" tab > General > Background Color.


  • It is possible to use Stylized Bullets if you need it
  • You can change the look through the "Typography" tab >Text > Stylized bullets
  • But remember
  • Use it with a thought that it is a consistent style on the page
Please use Header 5 for Box main header without touching any other formattings
  • Keep bullet and numbered  lists as they are
  • Please do not make extra spaces
  • They are already coded to have the distance decided

You can change the background color of the this box through the "Typography" tab > Extra > Box Background Color.

It is also an option not to have any background color on the box at all.


Use a smaller header style for a sub-section such as here with "H5".

This is a regular body text with everything it contains to convey the message - and this is what a link looks like (dont touch anything else than making it a link).

Insert image through "Media Type" in the editor.

The way to switch around text and media is to go into the "Typography" tab > Layout > Flow - and switch around Text and Media. Here you can also adjust the size of the text box and media box.


This is the "Text & Media" module. Please always use the "Heading" input box for headers.

The header above this bodytext is a H3 for header - you can change the color if it makes sense. Use it with a thought that it is a consistent style on the rest of the page.

Insert image through "Media Type" in the editor.


Here it is possible to use a secondary heading

This is an example of a special case. where it makes sense to put highlighted text into the text input box to make it lie in the middle of the module with an H4 styling.

It is also possible to italicize a word or a sentence. (But leave it at that).


Here, use has been made of the "Text" module's option to create text that fills the entire width.

You can make the text fill the entire width through the "Typography" tab > Text > Full width.

"Text" module used. A special case where text area is used for illustration and "add extra box" is used for text.

Here, an image has been inserted in the body text:


Please use Header 5 for Box main header without touching anything other formattings
  1. Keep bullet and numbered  lists as they are
  2. Please do not make extra spaces
  3. They are already coded to have the distance decided

Change the background color of the this box through the "Typography" tab > Extra > Box Background Color.

Please use the "Heading" input box for headers.

If you need a sub-heading in the body text, use one of the Header styles such as Header 4 here.

At this point in the flow of this page, it should be possible to see that the idea is to create alternating colors on sections and alternate between text on the right, graphics/photos on the left and vice versa.

Insert image through "Media Type" in the editor.

The way to switch around text and media is to go into the "Typography" tab > Layout > Flow - and switch around Text and Media. Here you can also adjust the size of the text box and media box.


Call-to-action module. Use "Header" box input for headings.

This is the description for what this call-to-action is basically about.

Please use the "Heading" input box for headers.

At this point in the flow of this page, it should be possible to see that the idea is to create alternating colors on sections and alternate between text on the right, graphics/photos on the left and vice versa.

Insert image through "Media Type" in the editor.


Please use the "Heading" input box for headers.

This is the effect, where you can use: Typography >  Background color (none) / Background color text block: CYAN / Text 33% / Media 66%.

Insert image through "Media Type" in the editor.

This is a Secondary Heading

Highlighted quote: Here there is space to insert a highlighted quote from a satisfied customer that can create value for the credibility of the content in the article.

First name and surname

Position, Company name

"Text" module used. Please use the "Heading" input box for headers.

This is a regular body text with everything it contains to convey the message. You can make the text fill the entire width through the "Typography" tab > Text > Full width.

This is an example of the "Text & Media" module where there's no content in the "Heading" input box. 



Flemming Lorenz

Department manager, HR expert

Xact By Rambøll

M +45 51 61 81 26



