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Culture is more than habits

Organizational culture can be defined in many ways.

While most people have a spontaneous understanding of the concept, it becomes more challenging to define it in a concrete and applicable manner.

Where does culture manifest, and how can we use that information to develop a desired cultural expression? 

One definition could be:

"Organizational culture is the set of shared norms, values, and perceptions of reality that develop within an organization as members interact with each other and their environment, and which are expressed through members' actions and attitudes at work."


One of the more specific applications of the concept of culture is related to safety culture. Many organizations have tasks and frameworks that involve risks to the well-being of individuals, materials, or the environment. 

The safety culture analysis gives you insights into attitudes, values and behaviour supporting good safety standards.

The issue with culture is that living within it makes us somewhat "blind" to its unique aspects. We adopt cultural traits that go uncorrected and consider them as the norm. It's only when we bring these aspects into focus, discuss them, and assess them that we gain the opportunity to influence the desired cultural traits. A systematic assessment tool for the safety culture within the company provides an immensely powerful tool to both understand its current state and to influence it.

The safety culture tool is based on established and tested models for assessing safety culture. The method aggregates the experiences that employees have in their daily work to create an overall picture of the safety culture that exists in a specific part of the organization and in the organization as a whole.

Martin Rønning Lunde

Senior Consultant

Xact By Rambøll

M + 47 97 56 30 84
