The Hybrid workplace – how close is remote?​

With the COVID-19 pandemic came the most significant spontaneous shift in collaboration methods ever witnessed in office-based workplaces.

Many were pleasantly surprised by the adaptability of their own organizations and employees. The vast majority maintained high levels of productivity, and some businesses even demonstrated enhanced delivery capabilities.

Now, a couple of years later, very few need to work physically separated from their colleagues. 

However, most organizations have chosen to incorporate flexibility regarding where work can be performed on a specified number of days per week.

Many businesses view this as essential to remain appealing in the competition for talent. Employees also value this flexibility, as it allows them to work more focused from home offices and spend less time commuting on certain days.

Although it might seem that most have found their approach to hybrid work arrangements, there are quite a few who are questioning the long-term effects of this change:


  • What are the consequences of the entire team meeting in person less frequently, and more interactions occurring through Teams meetings?


  • What happens when fewer people participate in informal conversations and some individuals systematically lose this involvement?


Research show that the hybrid work
model has its strengths and challenges

However, it's not predetermined how this will play out in each individual company, as there are so many different factors at play.

Nevertheless, research indicates that the long-term effect could be a reduced sense of belonging to the company.

This could be a important risk factor as the crucial aspect for an organization is to build a strong culture. Strong organizations, at least in the long run, have often succeeded in establishing a robust culture based on fundamental principles, values, and ways of operating, which are carried forward into the services they provide.

Data also indicates that more leaders are more critical of the hybrid work model compared to employees. A significant portion of employees report on the other hand a considerable level of satisfaction with the autonomy provided by the option of a flexible work arrangement.

What is the effect on your company?

How can you ensure the positive effects and remain an attractive employer while avoiding negative consequences?​

Michael Bork

Senior Consultant

Xact By Rambøll

M +45 51 61 19 34


