Attract Top-Tier Talent

People matter. Dedicated employees fostering a productive, dynamic workplace culture. Not only do they drive business success in the long run — they also help attract new top talent.

The question is: Does your workforce champion your brand? Or is discontent creeping its way out the door and to potential new hires?

eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) gives you the answer and the tools to elevate your understanding of employee loyalty and behaviors through insights enriched with actionable comments from employees themselves.

Our eNPS Solution:

Attract and Retain Top Talent

Talent scarcity characterizes the modern job market, and to succeed you need to nurture employee loyalty and engagement.

The eNPS survey builds on the foundation laid by Reichheld’s NPS model and helps HR uncover the motivations of brand ambassadors, pinpoint areas for improvement, and gain unique insights to retain and attract the best talent.


43% Lower Turnover

A dedicated workforce is vital in the fight to attract new talent, combating rising turnover rates, nurturing innovation, and ultimately, lifting the bottom line.

In fact, businesses with high employee engagement levels experience up to 43% lower turnover rates, 81% less absenteeism, and 23% higher profitability (Gallup, 2020).


Follow-Up is Half the Fight

Nothing gets done with insight alone. The next step is action.

eNPS categorizes employees as either ambassadors, passives, or detractors. Our solution hands you the follow-up framework necessary for your workforce to put words to their thoughts and HR to create sustainable change based hereon — all presented as strengths and development opportunities in our intuitive reporting.


Combine with Other HR-Surveys

The simplicity of the eNPS is its greatest strength, and especially in combination with other surveys it offers you a deeper understanding of the workplace culture and the people that work within it.

As such it is most valuable as an extra dimension to HR’s overall work of nurturing a healthy, dynamic workplace culture. Reach out to our HR-experts to hear if eNPS is right for your organization.


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As your full-service strategic partner, we bring with us over two decades of experience, a commitment to excellence, and a proven track record of delivering tangible results.

Clients appreciate our "human touch" whether through our dedicated support personnel or the expertise of our engaged project managers and HR-experts.


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Insights to Improve Workplace Culture

How to Measure eNPS

eNPS functions, perhaps not surprisingly, much like the NPS metric. Employees are asked to rate their answer to one single question on a scale from 0–10. Often that question is a variation on, ‘How likely are you to recommend [company] as a place to work?’.

Respondents are then categorized into one of three groups:

  • Ambassadors score between 9 and 10
  • Passives score between 7 and 8
  • Detractors score between 0 to 6

By subtracting the percentage of detractors from ambassadors, you arrive at the eNPS number.

It’s worth to note that this number often falls below the standard NPS, since employees tend to hold their workplace to higher standards than customers buying a product.



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